We are changing our design and focus and will return in the later part of 2023. If you need to speak to Bevorly Berk please send an e-mail to recoverwellness@gmail.com
Remote Bio-Energetic Testing
Service Description
We provide various forms of meridian assessment or bioengertic screening systems. These systems provide a completely non-invasive method for gaining valuable information about your body’s vital functions. The primary objective of the screening is to disclose patterns of stress and provide feedback that will assist in developing a program to restore each system and meridian to balance. I understand that these screenings do not provide medical diagnosis and that my testing technician may recommend further medical testing. If I suspect you need further medical intervention, as a licensed provider I will refer you for appropriate medical intervention as these are not a diagnostics tool. I understand that I should continue to see any medical doctors I am currently under the care of, and that any prescribed medications should not be altered without first consulting the physician who recommended it. I understand that the bioenergetics tools will only identify energetic imbalances and does not diagnose any diseases in the body.

Contact Details
4105 Timberline Drive, San Jose, 95121